It is normal for clients to feel anxious about their case. It's no secret that legal matters can be lengthy. As a client, you may feel powerless over the length of time your case is in court. However, when you retain a lawyer, remember that cooperation is key. Cooperation can come in many forms. One of the easiest ways you, as a client, can help move your case along is by providing your financial documentation to your lawyer as quickly as possible. Documents such as personal and/or business Tax Returns, Notices of Assessments, bank statements with your account balances, credit cards, loans and valuations, and more are all important for your legal matter. These documents disclose your entire financial situation which can help your lawyer efficiently argue your case. The sooner you can provide your lawyer with these documents the quicker you equip them with legal "ammunition" to argue your case. It also speeds up your matter by saving your lawyer time. And remember, saving your lawyer time means saving your money!

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